bitcoin One of the indicators (proxies) of poverty in History is the increase in the average age of marriage. It is the first time that wealth has exploded and the age
Fun Facts About the Bitcoin Genesis Block January 3, 2009: On this day, 16 years ago, Bitcoin was born. 🌍⚡ The Genesis Block (Block 0) was mined by the enigmatic Satoshi
*Curious fact: The iconic Times headline referenced in Bitcoin’s Genesis block includes a note about the price of a pint of beer dropping to 99p. It states: • 1989: 1
bitcoin The Immaculate Conception of Digital Scarcity cannot be replicated by anyone. It is a unique event. On January 3, 2009, the Genesis block was mined — from darkness comes light, expanding
The Bitcoin network has just surpassed the historic milestone of 1 Zeta Hash. 1 ZH/s (one zeta hash) is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one sextillion)