Bitcoin Note to self: Never forget, #Bitcoin is not a medium of exchange or money. Bitcoin is a tool to bring freedom into the hands of individuals. Bitcoin is a neutral
Bitcoin #Bitcoin's inelasticity means it has no top because inflationary fiat currencies have no bottom. The status of owning 1 BTC and being part of the "21 million
A massive fixed income/credit bubble has formed due to optimism and the abundant supply of primary money by the Fed after 2008, and in record amounts in 2020 due
🚨The limits of the quantitative monetary expansion carried out by the FED are approaching. The FED may be in a difficult situation, since it has injected so much new money
Bitcoin One of the indicators (proxies) of poverty in History is the increase in the average age of marriage. It is the first time that wealth has exploded and the age
Fun Facts About the Bitcoin Genesis Block January 3, 2009: On this day, 16 years ago, Bitcoin was born. 🌍⚡ The Genesis Block (Block 0) was mined by the enigmatic Satoshi