By ₿it⚡️Man — Mar 11, 2024 Sweden 🇸🇪: A group of climate activists blocked the entrance to the Swedish parliament on Monday (11).About 40 activists, including Greta Thunberg, were holding signs that read "Climate Justice Now."
In February 1979, 45 years ago, the price of a Silver ounce reached $48.21. Today, the ounce is worth $24.30. PS: I did not adjust for the CPI
🚨Bitcoin-selling stores spreading in Hong Kong. Reddit comment: "I buy Bitcoin from a local store because you don't need KYC. You wouldn't believe the
USA 🇺🇸: The Biden Administration created a "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Toolkit" called "Allies Against Hate." However, the "kit" recommends a website with articles that