By ₿it⚡️Man — Jul 18, 2024 USA 🇺🇸: On Wednesday (17th), "The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg warned that American voters need to recognize that they are "all in danger" if Trump wins the election.
Brazil 🇧🇷: "Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the president of Brazil, is spending as if the country were much wealthier than it is," and "Investors have started to
🚨USA 🇺🇸: Obama has spoken with Biden only once since the debate, and he has made it clear in his conversations with others that the future of Biden's candidacy
🚨USA 🇺🇸: The Biden campaign insists that the president "must remain in this race" despite reports that he is wavering. "Our campaign is not working on any scenario