By ₿it⚡️Man — Aug 02, 2024 Genesis Trading has just moved over $1 billion in Bitcoin. 🚨Possibly in the process of reimbursing creditors.Here we go with another FUD...
Time to start following macro indicators again. After 2 years of an inverted yield curve, the latest American employment data seems to show that the recession has finally arrived. US
The USS Theodore Roosevelt is passing through the Strait of Hormuz today, just a few kilometers off the coast of Iran, during one of the most tense moments in recent
Venezuela 🇻🇪/Russia 🇷🇺: Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil announced this Friday (02) that Vladimir Putin has invited Nicolás Maduro to the BRICS summit to be held in October in the Russian
🚨 Iran 🇮🇷/Israel 🇮🇱: An Iranian television presenter declared: "In the coming hours, the world will witness extraordinary scenes and very important developments."…