Foreign Minister Katz to Dozens of Foreign Ministers Worldwide:

"We acted to prevent an imminent attack on Israel, and we will respond forcefully against anyone who threatens us. Support Israel."

This morning, Foreign Minister Israel Katz addressed dozens of foreign ministers worldwide with a direct message, urging them to support Israel. Katz explained that Israel acted after positively identifying a massive missile and drone attack planned by the terrorist organization Hezbollah against targets in Israel and launched a preemptive strike to prevent the attack.

Minister Katz emphasized that Israel is acting within its right to self-defense against the axis of evil led by Iran, whose declared goal is the destruction of Israel. Katz clarified that Israel does not seek a full-scale war and will act according to local circumstances.

The minister stressed to his counterparts around the world that their support for Israel and its right to defend itself against the Iranian axis of evil and its proxy organizations, with Hezbollah at the forefront, is crucial at this moment.