By ₿it⚡️Man — Nov 05, 2024 ⚡️ Semler Scientific has announced the purchase of an additional 47 bitcoins for a total value of $3.0 million. The company now holds 1,058 bitcoins, with a total purchase value of $71.0 million.
On this U.S. election day, Germany is keeping a particularly close watch on the United States. The reason? The U.S. stands as Germany’s top trading partner in
🚨 Deflation in China has hit its sixth consecutive quarter in the latest reading of 2024 This is the longest stretch since 1999. Monetary and fiscal stimuli from China’s Central
Don’t be fooled by the short-term noise, Bitcoin doesn’t need politicians, politicians need Bitcoin. Regardless of who wins the elections today in the U.S., the monetary