🚨 For the first time, a government is being overthrown by 3D-printed weapons 🔫
The longest-lasting civil war today took an unexpected turn... when the resistance adopted plastic weapons and cryptocurrencies.
You NEED to know what's happening in Myanmar 👇
Myanmar has never had political stability since gaining independence 76 years ago.
The latest coup was in 2021, banks were drained, and the local currency lost 60% of its value in the following months.
Rebels have since been using CRYPTO to finance themselves.
They declared TETHER as the official currency 🏅
They launched a stablecoin and a crypto bank on the Polygon network that accesses Uniswap pools for buying and selling currencies.
They even created a digital lottery and boycotted the national Myanmar lottery, which saw its revenue drop by 80% 📉
The rebels have raised about $100 million in recent years.
They even auctioned "revolutionary bonds": buyers could receive a share of a deposed general's mansion, for example.
But this $100 million is nothing compared to the nearly $1 billion that the junta has invested in the war since the coup.
This ASYMMETRY of resources suggests a protracted conflict with no end in sight.
The junta is unable to eliminate all the decentralized insurgency hotspots... but it can exhaust them financially.
However, the asymmetry is decreasing, thanks to DISSIDENT TECHNOLOGIES...
JStark would be proud.
In recent months, there have been reports of FGC9s in use in Myanmar.
FGC9 is one of the most popular models of self-made firearms.
FGC = Fuck Gun Control
No one conquers a city with FGC9s.
But it is certainly possible to...
... defend a mountain pass or a village surrounded by forest with them.
Moreover, the resistance has mastered the art of producing and piloting homemade patrol drones.
Check it out 👇
The insurgents have already liberated ~50% of the territory.
The military junta controls the most populous and economically significant areas.
China supported the last coup in 2021. The West never had enough incentive to confront Beijing 🇨🇳
But in 2024, everything starts to change.
China's interest is economic.
They need to be on the side of the "winner" to ensure access to Myanmar's strategic pipelines and ports.
But in March of this year, Beijing lost its patience.
Hold on to this:
😳 44,000 CHINESE were in Myanmar as "slaves"...
...and they were finally discovered and "returned."
They were working in "ONLINE SCAM CENTERS" operating in the northern part of the country. They were lured with fake job advertisements.
This is a scam center on the border with Thailand, packed with Chinese workers, scamming people worldwide 👇
Think about this 👇
You’ve probably been targeted by some online profile trying to scam you, operated by one of the THOUSANDS of trafficked Chinese people working in centers like this.
What year are we living in, folks?! 😳
The fight against tyranny still seems far from over. But the end appears to have already begun.
The balance of power is shifting.