By ₿it⚡️Man — Jul 29, 2024 Violent clashes have begun between protesters against electoral fraud and the police controlled by Nicolás Maduro. The first arrests have already been reported in Venezuela.
To prevent protesters from approaching the Miraflores Palace, the Venezuelan presidential residence, dictator Nicolás Maduro has unleashed his "death squads," civilians tasked with "making disappear" protesters
To the chant of "y va a caer, y va a caer: este gobierno va a caer" (and it will fall, and it will fall: this government will
🚨 Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union, stated that Europe will not recognize Nicolás Maduro as president until the CNE publishes all the vote records and proves that no
🚨 The Venezuelan dictatorship has just announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic, and Uruguay.…