By ₿it⚡️Man — Jul 29, 2024 🚨The stage at the Miraflores Palace with supporters of the tyrant Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela, shifted from a celebratory atmosphere to total silence and long faces.
🚨 Shouts of FRAUD spark riots and protests at the Venezuelan embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, following the announcement of results that declare Maduro the supposed winner.…
🚨These are the official results in Venezuela: The total exceeds 132.2%, and 8 parties received the same percentage, 4.6%. This is a complete fraud by the tyrant Nicolás
🚨A Chavista worker at the counting center posted a selfie from the Computation Center of Venezuela, revealing that the tyrant Nicolás Maduro is losing the elections.…
🚨 Armed communist Maduro gangs “Colectivos” are now storming polling stations in Punta Cardón in the Falcón state, Venezuela. They are there to steal the boxes with the votes.…