By ₿it⚡️Man — Aug 15, 2024 The Taliban held a large military parade at Bagram Air Base, the largest U.S. operations base in Afghanistan until 2021. On one side, we see a Taliban general, and on the other, we see General Aladeen from the movie The Dictator. Life imitating art!
🚨Brazil 🇧🇷/Venezuela 🇻🇪: Lula declared that he does not recognize Maduro as victorious and suggests a coalition government or new elections in Venezuela. “He knows he owes an explanation to Brazilian
Brazil 🇧🇷: "Leaked messages spark firestorm around Brazilian judge," says the headline of an article on the Bloomberg portal. The report by the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo about
Amid one of the largest electoral frauds in the history of democracy, with more than 2,000 people arrested, dozens dead, and hundreds injured, the Vatican sent a new apostolic
🇺🇸 "Project 2025 and the New Era of the Trump Administration: Combatting China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and Venezuela" Project 2025, outlined in the Heritage Foundation's "