By ₿it⚡️Man — Aug 08, 2024 🚨The Fed says Ethereum's censorship resistance is more fragile than previously thought."Despite being designed for decentralization, there is a high concentration that makes censorship easier."
"Oh, but the U.S. also executes people!" Yes, and according to Amnesty International, in 2023: 🇨🇳 > 1,000 executions🇮🇷 > 850 executions🇸🇦 172 executions......🇺🇸 24
Bitcoin ⚡️ Saylor: What we have right now is a race to own cyberspace. Hundreds of trillions of dollars of capital will flow in this direction and buy the #Bitcoin network.…
On the day marking 16 years since the Russian invasion of Georgia, videos are circulating showing several Georgian volunteers involved in the Ukrainian invasion of Russia. In many of these