The ~1000 Bitcoins Challenge - Bitcoin Puzzle
In 2015, someone anonymously created the "Bitcoin Puzzle," possibly to demonstrate the vastness of the private key space or simply for fun. This puzzle involves 160 different Bitcoin addresses, each containing an increasing amount of Bitcoin, and the challenge is to find the private key associated with each of these addresses.
The logic behind the puzzle is that random keys were chosen within specific ranges of the private key space, and increasing amounts of Bitcoin were sent to these addresses as follows:
- For keys in the range of 2^0 ≤ key < 2^1, 0,001 BTC was sent.
- For keys in the range of 2^1 ≤ key < 2^2, 0,002 BTC was sent.
- And so on, continuing to larger ranges, such as 2^255 ≤ key < 2^256, where 0,256 BTC was sent.
The challenge lies in finding these private keys, making it a test of cryptographic and computational skills.
In total, 32.896 BTC were distributed among these addresses. So far, 77 of the 160 puzzles have been solved, with private keys being discovered and the funds moved. Some addresses have been "updated" by the creator, who in 2023 increased the rewards for unsolved puzzles by 10 times. For example, the reward for address #66 is now 6.6 BTC, #67 is 6.7 BTC, and so on, up to #160, which has 16 BTC.
This puzzle is extremely complex and may even have been created by Satoshi Nakamoto himself (speculation). The only clue is that the Bitcoins were distributed across different bit sizes, up to the limit of 2^160, reinforcing the challenge of finding the correct private keys in such a vast space.