By ₿it⚡️Man — Sep 27, 2024 🚨 Another interest rate cut on China's 14-day Reverse Repo rates.Is China panicking over the drop in economic and real estate activity?I suspect other central banks might adopt similar policies soon.
Israel just struck the headquarters of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah in Beirut. According to some sources, the group's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, may have finally been eliminated. Waiting
USA 🇺🇸: A U.S. Senate report on the first assassination attempt against Trump (in July) reveals that an inexperienced Secret Service agent operating a drone called a toll-free number
Shigeru Ishiba is the new Prime Minister of Japan, a politician with peculiar characteristics that will certainly irritate China and Russia. Ishiba is a Christian, something uncommon in Japan, and