By ₿it⚡️Man — Oct 29, 2024 In September: "Bitcoin is going to die."In October: "We will transform our network into a second layer of Bitcoin."This isn’t an epiphany; it's just a demonstration of how to be a scammer.
Afghanistan 🇦🇫: The Taliban has banned women from hearing the voices of other women. In a message on Monday (28), the country's minister for the promotion of virtue and
Brazil 🇧🇷/Venezuela 🇻🇪: Maduro speaks of a "stab in the back" regarding Brazil's veto of Venezuela's entry into the "BRICS." In light of
🚨 Capital inflow into gold funds reaches the highest level since July 2020. This volume is three times larger than the flow of the past few weeks, signaling that the demand
Israel 🇮🇱: The Israeli parliament approved two bills on Monday that ban a UN agency for Palestinian refugees from operating in Israeli territory and also sever diplomatic ties with the organization.