By ₿it⚡️Man — Jul 30, 2024 The source of this video says that a long caravan of armored vehicles, escorted by police and army vehicles, left the Miraflores Palace after midnight, reinforcing the theory that Nicolás Maduro has left Caracas and taken refuge in a safer area.
🚨 Venezuela 🇻🇪/Russia 🇷🇺: The Kremlin announced this Tuesday (30) that the opposition in Venezuela must accept that they lost the presidential election. “We see that the opposition does not want to
🚨 Venezuela 🇻🇪: UPDATE Joe Biden is expected to discuss the crisis in Venezuela with Lula this Tuesday (30) around 3:30 PM (Brasília time). Brazil is in negotiations with Mexico and
Long night in Caracas. Armed civilian groups against Maduro are firing at the paramilitary collectives of the tyrant Maduro and the National Guard that represses the people. The so-called