🚨Venezuela 🇻🇪: UPDATES

* Former President of Colombia, Ivan Duque, warned about a possible strategy by Maduro's regime to declare the presidential elections in Venezuela null, citing a “cyber attack.”

* Maduro called on the regime's forces to act against social media, accusing them of being the “main conscious multipliers of hate and fascism.”

* Maduro declared that the EU is "a shame" for requesting "independent verification" of the presidential election results in Venezuela. On Sunday night (4), the bloc issued a statement requesting independent verification of the electoral results in the country.

* Canada stated that the results published by the Chavista CNE do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people. Justin Trudeau's government condemned the human rights violations perpetrated in recent days against opposition protesters and demanded “the immediate release of those detained.”

* Maduro accused Elon Musk and Javier Milei of being part of diabolical circles and satanic sects.