By ₿it⚡️Man — Oct 04, 2024 🚨A troubled bank has started requesting more than $2 billion in liquidity directly from the FED. I would guess it’s the same Bank of America that reported a “bug” and zero balance for clients.The Central Bank is increasingly in a rush to inject liquidity.
For the first time since the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, Iran has removed all oil tankers from Kharg Island, the terminal through which the country exports more than
🚨Israel 🇮🇱: The Saudi news channel Al-Hadath is reporting that Israeli authorities have confirmed the death of the newly appointed Hezbollah leader, Hashem Safieddin, along with several other officials in
On this day in 52 BC, the Gallic leader Vercingetorix surrendered to the Roman army led by Julius Caesar. The decisive battle took place in the fortress city of Alesia,