By ₿it⚡️Man — Aug 12, 2024 🚨 According to Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov, the blame for Russia's invasion of Ukraine lies with the USA. Belousov claims that the USA wants to prevent Russia from implementing a more just and equal multipolar New World Order.
From time to time, soldiers on the front lines need to be replaced, especially those in more active and intense sectors. Have you ever wondered how this process takes place?
According to Russian state television, the Russian state-owned company Omsktransmash needs one month to fully restore and modernize a T-80 armored vehicle in long-term storage. Although it
🚨Israel 🇮🇱/Iran 🇮🇷: Update It is believed that if Iran attacks Israel, it will be a larger assault than the one carried out in April 2024 and may last longer than