By ₿it⚡️Man — Mar 10, 2024 This is the chart if you think you're arriving late. 🤝STAY HUMBLE 🫡GOOD NIGHT PURPLE SIDE!
Israel 🇮🇱/Lebanon 🇱🇧: Israeli forces attacked several Hezbollah positions in Lebanon on the morning of this Sunday. Hezbollah announced the death of three of its members, while the newspaper "Maariv&
GOOD MORNING PURPLE SIDE! Pope John Paul II, at the height of the Cold War, directly confronted Soviet communism, actively contributing to the assurance of freedom and independence for Poland.
GOOD NIGHT PURPLE SIDE! 🕰️ This is a timeline to understand that Bitcoin is the culmination of ~40 years of research. Interesting to send to the buddy who hasn't
Venezuela 🇻🇪: The Venezuelan regime has arrested a campaign director of Maduro's main opponent, María Corina Machado. Currently, his whereabouts or condition are unknown, though it is believed he