By ₿it⚡️Man — Jul 30, 2024 Molotov cocktails were thrown at a base of the "Chavista colectivos" in Venezuela, paramilitary "death squads" that dictator Nicolás Maduro uses to make protesters and opponents disappear.
In 1950, Venezuela was the 4th richest country in the world in terms of GDP per capita, almost 12 times wealthier than China. In 1980, the country was still the
Maria Corina Machado, an opponent of Nicolás Maduro, has posted all 73.25% of the records provided by the CNE online. Everything is available and proves that Edmundo González received
To the protesters against electoral fraud in Venezuela: don't forget that there is a "small incentive" with many digits to overthrow Nicolás Maduro and the leadership